Sunday, August 21, 2011

Last weekend we got to go to the Families Supporting Adoption National Conference- which was AMAZING! There were lots of classes to go to, and I ended up mostly choosing to go to panels- where I got to hear from people who have experienced adoption first hand. I attended an adoptee panel, a birth mother panel, a birth father panel, a general birth parent panel, an adoptive couple panel, and a panel called "The Whole Story." So yes, loved the panels- and sorry that I've used the word "panel" so much. I learned a lot and I'm really glad I got to go. :)

We also went to visit my sister after the conference, and we brought her three lovely girls home to stay with my mom. We enjoyed the (long) car ride with our nieces. (Even though, when we had two hours of driving left, Bethany said, "We're almost there, huh? I know it!" :)) Of course, we resorted to any available form of entertainment- like our M&M sucking contest- which Bethany won. She won the "Who Can Hold Their Breath the Longest?" contest too. Oh boy. Anyway, here are a couple pics of Bethany, Malia, and Gabriella.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I have no idea what I'm doing!!

I really have no idea what I'm doing! So this should be fun. :) While you're waiting for me to figure this out, check out a couple of photos taken by Jaimee Young. She's AMAZING! (You can see more of her photography at .)